
Felt that hard tap on his back and was annoyed

plenty of room for him to get by

as the man who came in only washed his hands

leaving as if it were planned

was he a victim thought it odd could not forget

over the day began to fret!


The spot he was hit rapidly became very sore

nausea soon overwhelmed him

became bedridden anxious as his poor condition

began to recall that encounter

with an increasing haze of a debilitating fever

in conspiracy theories a believer!


True had expressed his thoughts in his own blog

of events certain were staged

but until that moment never imagined the risk

would warrant a professional hit

knew nobody would accept this was the case

any evidence there would be no trace!


Rushed to hospital he could just make the call

doctors pondered his symptoms

within two days body weak total organ failure

on autopsy a faint mark detected

a tiny puncture wound a trace substance found

knew his life was outbound!


Cremated death certificate read cause undermined

but in his mind knew as he died

was another victim who came far too near the truth

trying to spread his theories

that was not within the authorities agenda to allow

he was just another fatality now!


Is this just another conspiracy theory or an actual fact?






Microwave Masts!

Unnoticed they seem to rapidly appear

tall microwave masts

increasingly placed along busy roads

like metal beacons

upon the tops of buildings and flats

where you will never find bats!


It is said not all are for mobile signals

but can be used as weapons

that could destroy us the people below

surely this is just one more

conspiracy theory to scare the masses

but not the upper classes!


What is the truth behind these stories

that forever bombard us

becoming more frightening and bizarre

as we face the never ending

hardship and uncertain future times

and growing humanitarian crimes!


Before us much is hidden from sight

darkness blocking the light!


The Foureyed Poet.



Shouting from within the house was disturbing

terrified screams permeated

the neighbours had been use to frequent rows

but even they were shaken

the police were called but never came for hours

the next day people laid flowers!


When the house was entered there were bodies

a massacre the description

yet though eight were found spread in rooms

certain the killer was not there

known for their family feud it seemed overkill

a dread in the community did instill!


The house lay empty nobody wanted to go near

there was a dark  atmosphere

from a fun street it became somber and quiet

nobody had been caught

who could do such a thing to in this household

it seemed a mystery untold!


During the next year several bodies were found

in random spots in the same area

as those in the house mutilated the same way

all related to the house owners

yet no clues to give any identity to the culprit

no scenarios would fit!


Theories abounded gang related or a grudge

passing down the many years

they were from a country vampires lived

cursed for long gone wrongs

had caused some ancient beings to hate

so the generations had to eliminate!


Wild stories circulated some were simply fantasy

then as the shocking case

had started one night it all came to a chilling end

a body in a ritual type pose

found near to the street in bushes on wasteland

with a bloody axe in its hand!


For some reason not explained by the authorities

declared it was the wanted assassin

so there was nothing to fear anymore now safe

file closed no evidence disclosed

that cloud of suspicion would never go away

something nasty was at play!


That house where it all began stayed empty

many thought it haunted

slowly decaying over time others reported

shadowy beings following

wandering around the area few dared go

for animals was a no-show!


There is a house in a street it could be near you!


The Foureyed Poet.





Throughout the world legends abound

of creatures said to roam

remote areas of forests and wilderness

tracks found and foot prints

of huge creatures that are rarely seen

or myths that had never been!


Like those searching for proof of aliens

and intent ghost hunters

many seek this allusive beast Bigfoot

in inaccessible places

as keen and devoted like other seekers

in the quest for these creatures!


Like many Monster legends millions believe

though tracks are found

the theories usually prove to be a false trail

every country has its stories

the more remote harder to instigate a pursuit

which often bears no fruit!


Relentless there are dedicated teams hunting

to capture the evidence

resolute in bringing the undisputable validation

it is real and not a story

danger lurks without communication or support

as Bigfoot goes on being sort!


The Foureyed Poet.



Conspiracy Or Fact?

Over fifty years have passed since those shots

echoed over the excited crowds

a nation’s history changed course ever after

and another conspiracy born

a president assassinated in an american state

forever creating major debate!


The killer they told the world was only one

but within two days he died

conflicting facts to this day never added up

many theories linger on

why did most witnesses have fatal accidents

resulting from these events?


The one fact most seem to agree the grass bank

gun fire came from its top

where a man height fence went the whole length

a wound angle confirmed

yet debate rages on who really was the killer

more intrigue than a fiction thriller!


The burning question who was actually behind it

to most has never been proved

there are many theories and reconstructions

adding fuel creating a legend

born from that shocking and infamous day

where conspiracy will not go away!


Can it be said the truth one day will be told

we wait to see if it does unfold!


The Foureyed Poet.