
It had been warned over centuries the eruption

of a volcano under a park

the surface the outer crust of a bubbling inferno

where animals freely roamed

experts with conflicting opinions and scenarios

whether or not the lava blows!


Speculation of a day animals stampeding in panic

heading out of the national park

earth tremors shaking the ground as tensions rose

the area  about to explode

every roadway and tracks becoming thermogenic

humidity steaming and thick!


A vast landscape of mountains and sloping forests

deep lakes with rolling plains

it would be devastation if the eruption did befall

in this wondrous locality

those who lived around the park contemplated

were their futures fated?


On a warm summers day it began the sun rising

the dew quickly evaporating

a wonderful scene to gaze upon a normal day

though faint tremors

hardly noticeable in the beginning escalated

swiftly became unabated!


It soon became apparent that the unthinkable

a long predicted eruption

of  this picturesque national park had begun

it was known the surface

was the vast crust covering the volcanoes top

and lava nothing could stop!


Years of planning made evacuation much easier

but the scale unprecedented

fast flowing molten lava and gases accelerated

overtaking those fleeing

a huge black cloud ascended into the clear sky

and light to man did deny!


Lava swallowed up land or it crumbled away

the once idyllic views lost

an enduring darkness and coldness began

spreading around the globe

humanity would have to battle nature as one

for its survival to be won!


Could this scenario happen it seems very possible!


The Foureyed Poet.




Conspiracy Or Fact?

Over fifty years have passed since those shots

echoed over the excited crowds

a nation’s history changed course ever after

and another conspiracy born

a president assassinated in an american state

forever creating major debate!


The killer they told the world was only one

but within two days he died

conflicting facts to this day never added up

many theories linger on

why did most witnesses have fatal accidents

resulting from these events?


The one fact most seem to agree the grass bank

gun fire came from its top

where a man height fence went the whole length

a wound angle confirmed

yet debate rages on who really was the killer

more intrigue than a fiction thriller!


The burning question who was actually behind it

to most has never been proved

there are many theories and reconstructions

adding fuel creating a legend

born from that shocking and infamous day

where conspiracy will not go away!


Can it be said the truth one day will be told

we wait to see if it does unfold!


The Foureyed Poet.