Camp Fire!

On that chilly cold moonlit autumn night

friends sat by a camp fire

to keep warm and tell ghost stories

the lads full of male bravado

natural sounds amplifying the mood

the language loud and crude!


The group of five now eagerly waited

for Tom the eldest to start

then a distant flash of light lit his face

showing a monstrous outline

flinching backwards yelling in surprise

watching with suspicious eyes!


In a quiet voice his macabre tale began

five years ago on holiday

with my parents and younger brother

decided to explore a cave

over slippery and sharp rocks we scaled

at the entrance exhausted exhaled!


Outside of the cave  hot with a sea breeze

but within dark and menacing

both faltered being reluctant to venture in

not wanting to be called scared

into the natural chamber we ran side by side

footsteps echoing it was ebb tide.


Unaware of time wandered into the unknown

deeper bats were flying around

my brother wanted to leave to me adventure

there was a sound like moaning

in the dim light movement a few feet ahead

of course I had to onward tread!


My brother froze afraid to come with me

a few paces on there stood

what looked like a skeleton dressed in rags

coming towards me then vanish

turned grabbed my brother and we ran fast

on the cave wall a shadow cast!


It was not ours the sunlight did not come within

but now it was flood tide

the water was rising higher making it a hazard

cutting ourselves on the rocks

being afraid the monster would follow us back

our courage now did lack!


Our parents more concerned about our injuries

so no mention of our fright

a wolf  howled on cue as he gave a final evil laugh

the only other willing to tell

was Jack the youngest amongst them at seventeen

who was chirpy and  keen!


As he said his first words the wood sparked loudly

and a flame shot in the air

a sudden noise nearby made his voice quiver

last year while out walking

on my own after a heated row with my girlfriend

wanting our relationship to end!


Saw a car ahead on fire as I drew near exploded

glancing inside there was a body

nearby an injured woman lay semi conscious

carefully checked how she was

then called for urgent assistance to the spot

moving her from the car it was hot!


They soon arrived and I went to guide them

but as the ambulance stopped

the crew got out and asked what was wrong

in disbelief said about the car

both looked puzzled following their gaze

nothing was there but a faint haze!


Abruptly stopping as there was like footsteps

yet nothing visible the fire went out

one week later a search party found the five

four were pronounced dead

a faint groan was heard from one Jack

he was rushed quickly back!


It seemed the other four had died of fright

what had done this during the night!


Jack never woke up again to tell them!


The Foureyed Poet.