The Lighthouse!

Isolated on a small island within the ocean

the lighthouse stood

a tapered pillar raised up to the heavens

detached from humanity

with that haunting magnetic fascination

their all filled with damnation!


Weather conditions often gale force winds

battering the structure

torrential rain and thick impenetrable fog

a lonely abode for one

rules in the last century a three-man crew

to share work and Seaview!


Weather became poor just before Christmas

sea spray swirled all around

in this lone beacon and claustrophobic space

a supply ship unable to sail

leaving the men to cope on depleting stocks

waves lapping high on the rocks!


Over a week before the conditions improved

enough for ships to sail

as the supply vessel neared noticed no light

a navy cruiser came by

the two crews met puzzled on the small dock

of this situation to take stock!


A naval rating was dispatched up the path

for their first contact

unable to rouse anybody returned to base

two ratings and a relief keeper

were tasked to search the mystery tower

for human life and why no power!


It was very quiet main door was not locked

entering walked upstairs

to the living quarters a half eaten meal there

nothing was disturbed

the sleeping rooms empty beds none used

at the odd situation perused!


Soon up into the lamp room plenty of paraffin

to run the magnified beam

it seemed too normal and no clues to be found

also around the perimeter

nothing was found no indication for the event

or any criminal intent!


The captains concluding the search mission

concerned at disappearances

unable to find an explanation left two men

the relief keeper and a sailor

the rest returning the mystery to report

and with superiors to consort!


After a comprehensive prolonged enquiry

and many more full searches

no bodies to this day were washed ashore

remaining one of the seas

most intriguing unsolved riddles in history

truly an eerie mystery!


Countless theories on their fate implied

yet the truth time has defied!


THe Foureyed Poet.






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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. This sounded like a poem on some real happening at a lighthouse…wonderful imagination.


  2. Thank you Alok. Best Wishes. The Foureyed Poet.


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