Empty Eyes!

It was looking into those empty eyes

without any emotion

the chills it gave me I remember now

in a bar with my friend

for a quiet pleasant evening after work

interrupted by this berk!


Who was persistent just would not go

threatened if left alone

but with my friend did not feel so bad

eventually took the hint

wandering off where I could not care

no longer at me to stare!


Soon forgot that unsettling encounter

just the two of us drinking

until the last orders call I then recalled

look to see if he was about

thought how silly must be long gone

there was nothing wrong!


Once in the air realised I was very tipsy

need to get a taxi home

my friend was going on to a night club

as I tried to phone a cab

slowly walking down the poorly lit path

no idea of the closing wrath!


Halted by a crossing finally got through

needing the post for balance

heard movement from close behind me

and suddenly an arm gripped

tightly around my neck now panic set in

finding strength from within!


Struggling I still had my high heels on

stamped as hard as I could

hoping to catch his foot a loud yell

violently let me go falling

down on my knees quickly spinning

hoping I was winning!


Realising looking up it was him glaring

the man with empty eyes

trying to stand he lunged  at my dress

pulling back he missed

scrabbled to my feet I ran in the road

with menace he strode!


Kicking the shoes off shouting for help

from a couple passing by

they just seemed to ignore my plight

as the man caught up

lights dazzled coming directly ahead

diving it missed by a thread!


As I fell on the pavement there was a thud

tyres were screeching

shaken wondering what had happened

the perpetrator was hit

by a taxi staring at him in utter disbelief

but filled with such relief!


It was the taxi that had come to pick me up

the man with the empty eyes

never regained consciousness I heard later

justice you could say was done

luck maybe a guardian angels intervention

are possibilities in contention!


The Foureyed Poet.





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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Like your poems … a lot … Mr Four Eyes Master Poet … would like your opinion on mine … http://catsruledogsdroole.blogspot.com/ … Love, cat.


  2. Your poems are so Wonderful! Thanks so much for brightening up my day.


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