Nothing So Chilling!

Only walking down an ordinary town centre

never had this experience before!

Maybe heard a tap as she sat alone at home

nothing so chilling just talking.

Chatting with friends then felt a rough tug

losing balance was it a thug?


Just stopping herself falling to a hard floor

each mate looked surprised!

A voice whispered in her ear ‘You Bitch’

turning nobody was that near.

Ignoring the words she simply walked on

then heard a favourite song!


Forgetting that moment being out fun shopping

sitting in a coffee shop.

To enjoy a chat and before starting to buy

as the drink she bought fell.

Spilling the liquid and smashing the cup

now knowing something’s up!


A grip on the shoulder like a strong hand

sends a tingle down the spine.

A deep laugh that nobody else can hear

makes her heart start race.

Jumping up but afraid to look behind

as the girls try to be kind.


Running to the toilets her neck feeling sore

she can just see deep scratches.

An image in the mirror just a quick glimpse

what’s happening who was there?

Hypersensitive to movements and sound

no alcohol had she downed!


Back at the table a fresh drink had been bought

sensing an entity close by.

Now more relaxed starting to have a laugh

the rest of the day went well.

Those strange events beginning to forget

an evening of fun was set.


Home the next morning around about six

yesterday events a memory.

Yet began to remember what had happened

with a hangover head spinning.

Dreading the thoughts was she seeing the dead

laying there alone in her bed.


For weeks after the fear could it happen again

never certain had it been real?

In her room stood in front of a long mirror

image of a man so clear!

A hand came out grabbing her throat

chance of an escape remote.


She was reported missing but never found

her parents didn’t see her leave!

The room was left untouched and closed

as the girl had carefully left it.

Nobody noticed the mirror had no reflection

surely this was poor detection!


None of us know what is close at hand!


The Foureyed Poet.

Published in: on 28/10/2012 at 15:57  Leave a Comment  
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