Special Day!

That special day has finally arrived

plans made hoping all is well

beginning of our adventure together

preparations completed ready

a nervous groom waits for his bride

standing nowhere to hide!


Soon she will walk down the aisle

two people to be joined

music starts to play nerves are taut

relieved as she is here

now together for that moment stand

promises a kiss hand in hand!


Behind family and friends sit watching

now smiles on your faces

turning to congratulations and praises

signing the register married

feeling of relief cameras start clicking

your married the clock is ticking!


Realising now two families are united

everybody happy and delighted

their perfect love match and marriage

or divorce hate then disengage!


The Foureyed Poet.


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One CommentLeave a comment

  1. I love the rythm on this piece. I love the hope for that special day.
    Definitely, loving your poems.



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